Xiushan Workshop
Hidejiro Sato (1934- ? ), a workshop in Mizusawa, Iwate Prefecture, has been passed down for three generations. This kettle is a typical work of the first generation. The body is elegantly engraved, with the bamboo nodes and bamboo leaves complementing each other. A work made in the early years of Heisei (1989).
佐藤秀次郎(1934-?),岩手縣水澤地區的工房,已傳三代。 此瓶為初代典型之作,瓶身刻清雅,蓋竹鈕與瓶身竹葉相映成趣; 用料精良,鐵材呈微微金色,是砂鐵成份高的表現。 此瓶估計為平成(1989)初年之作。
Capacity 容量: 1,500 cc